2021 Conference Programme

FRIDAY 19 November 2021
07:30 – 08:30Panel: Metabolic Disorders and Diabetes
The post-Covid syndrome, the new data for diabetes
Andreas Tofarides
Chrononutrition and sequence of meals as a dietary treatment of insulin resistance.
Aimilia Papakonstantinou
Insulin Pump DAFNE Training (case study)
Panagiotis Siekkeris

Chairs: Eleni Andreou, Nicoletta Ntorzi
CPE level: II CPE credit: 1
9:30 – 10:30Truths and Myths about milk and dairy product: evidence based
Antonis Zampelas

Chairs: Anna Pahita, Demetres Papamichael
CPE level: I CPE credit: 1
10:30 – 11:00Coffee Break/ Opening of the exhibition
11:00 – 12:00Panel: Trust your gut
The low FODMAP diet
Aliki Papamichael Economides
Prehabilitation and Nutritional Support
Anastasios Papalazarou
Nutritional Guidelines for celiac disease
Christina Andreou -Neoptolemou (in Collaboration with the Cyprus Celiac Association

Chairs: Nikolas Ntaflos, Angela Aggelidou
CPE level: II CPE credit:1
12:00 – 13:00Oral Presentations

Chairs: Procopis Kallis, Olga Efthymiou
CPE level: I CPE credit:1
13:00 – 14:00Lunch
14:00 – 15:00Panel: Innovations in Nutrition – Ask The Scientists
A Metabolomics overview of obesity
Evelina Charidemou (in collaboration with the Cyprus Metabolomic Network)
Effect of Vitamin D Status and Supplements on Anthropometric and Biochemical Indices in a Clinic Setting: A Retrospective Study
Myriam Abboud
• Nutritional Rehabilitation after covid-19 infection: an overview
Demetres Karayiannis

Chairs: Elena Philippou, Thalia Avraam
CPE level: II CPE credit:1
15:00 – 16:00Panel: Infant and Child Nutrition
Added sugars in the diet – how do they affect the risk of developing childhood obesity? Data from the Panhellenic Study of Nutrition and Health (HNNHS)
Emmanuella Magriplis
Eating behavior in infants and children and the role of the paediatric dietitian
Dona Hileti
Metabolic syndrome in children and adolescences
Nicos Skordis

Chairs: Yiota Tsokkou, Christiana Philippou
CPE level: II CPE credit:1
16:00 –
Coffee Break
Session : Poster Presentation (concurrent with Coffee break)
(Independent Reviewers will evaluate the presentations and an award will be granted on Sunday)

Chairs: Procopis Kallis, Angela Angelidou
CPE level: I CPE credit:1
16:30 – 17:30Food Demonstration
Feeding children with healthy and nutritious snacks and meals at different social eventsGeorge Erotokritou

Chairs: Andreas Savva, Ellie Hadjiluca
CPE level: I CPE credit:1
17:30 – 19:00Workshop: Advanced Dietetics in Management of Eating Disorders
Advanced Dietetics in Management of Eating Disorders -The role of the Dietitian in ED care, including scope of practice -Inclusive, thoughtful Dietetic screening and assessmentUrsula Philpot
(In collaboration with MAZI- Cyprus Foundation for Eating Disorders and Obesity)

Chair: Eleni Andreou, Persa Korfiati
CPE level: III CPE credit:2
21:00Cyprus Night: Is igia- “εις υγεία” – To your health!
Dinner for Speakers

SATURDAY 20 November 2021
08:00 – 11:00
Coffee Break
12:00 – 11:30
LLL-Topic 20: Nutrition and prevention of diseases
Case studies:
Course Leader: Giangos Lavranos
Presenters: Giangos Lavranos, Myriam Abboud, Dimitrios Papandreou, Kalliopi Anna Poulia

Chairs: Stalo Kountouri
With Cooperation of CySPEN
CPE level: III CPE credit:2
New technologies and dietary behavior change
Kalliopi Karatzi
The Benefits of Mindfulness: How to Improve Your Health, Happiness and Eating Experiences by Connecting with Your Inner Wisdom
Emilia Vassilopoulou
Psychological approaches to mindful eating behavior
Anthi Loutsiou
Mindful Eating and the Preliminary Results of study in Cyprus
Eleni Andreou

Chairs: Nicoletta Ntorzi, Joanna Adamidou
CPE level: II CPE credit:1
10:00 – 11:00Panel: Inspiration Workshop
Leadership taxonomy in clinical dieteticsElie Wakil

Chairs: Anna Pahita, Eleni Andreou
CPE level: II CPE credit:1
11:00 – 11:30Coffee Break
11:30 – 12:30Panel: Sports nutrition for success
Promoting Healthy Behaviour through a serious game. The SUGAPAS project- from Physical Education perspective
Andreas Avgerinos
Promoting Healthy Behaviour through a serious game. The SUGAPAS project- from nutrition education perspective
Christiana Philippou
Sleep improvement in athletes and people who exercise
Christoforos Giannaki
Success Story – “SAFEYOU” Strengthening the Anti-Doping Fight in Fitness and Exercise in Youth
Michalis Michaelides

Chairs: Nikolas Ntaflos, Elli Hadjilucas
CPE level:II CPE credit:1
12:30 – 14:00Welcome Ceremony – Tribute to the late Dr Myrto Azina
Addresses by
Dr Eleni P. Andreou
President of Cyprus Dietetic and Nutrition Association & Cyprus Registration Board for Food Scientists, Food Technologists and Dietitians,
Dr Gregores Risvas,V.President EFAD
Mr Michalis Hadjipantelas, Minister of Health of the Republic of Cyprus,
Dr Iosif Kasios, Tribute to Myrto Azina

Honorary Panel : COVID-19 an update
IntroductionMinister of Health, Mr Michalis Hadjipantelas
Vaccines & Coronavirus Vaccination: An update knowledge
Christos Petrou
Epidemiological situation of COVID-19 in Cyprus and Worldwide,
Peter Karayiannis
Management of patients who have recovered from COVID19
Constandinos Tsioutis
Serological evaluation of SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibody levels in the Cypriot populationKyriakos Felekkis

Chairs: Nicoletta Ntorzi (opening), Eleni Andreou, Andreas Tofarides
CPE level:I CPE credit:2
14:00 – 15:00Lunch Break
15:30 – 16:30Panel: Advocacy, Ethics and Leadership
• Ethics in Dietetics – Zoe Kyriakidou
How the General Health System has changed the provision of health care services in CyprusAthos Tsinontides
The profession of Dietetics and Nutritionists in Europe, Grigoris Risvas , V. President of EFAD
The profession of Dietetics and Nutritionists in Cyprus, Eleni Andreou President of CyDNA/CyRBFSTD

Chairs: Christiana Philippou, Ioannis Karris
CPE level: II CPE credit:1
16:30 – 17:00Coffee Break
17:00 – 18:00Panel: Renal
New guidelines for Chronic kidney disease. What is changing and how can we achieve the goals?Kalliopi Liana Poulia
Diabetic nephropathy: is it always there? Assumptions, weaknesses, and pitfalls in the diagnosis. Nephropathy in CyprusKyriakos Ioannou

Chairs: Demetres Papamichael, Maria Attipa
CPE level: II CPE credit:1
18:00 – 19:30Panel: Contemporary issues in Nutrition
Let’s talk about Nutrition: Communication Skills for Health Care Professionals
Anastasios Papalazarou
The Digital competencies and mapping dietitians must have, how to develop themOrestis Michael
Financial Matters for the dietitian as entrepreneur

Andreas Yiouselli
Media Stereotypes
Marina Hadjicosta

Chairs: Eleni Andreou, Dionysia Vardakastani
CPE level: II CPE credit:2
20:30Gala Dinner

SUNDAY 21 November 2021
9:00 – 10:00Panel: Mediterranean diet and hyperlipidaemia
The journey of the Mediterranean diet through time and space: from tradition and culture to scientific evidence for a nutritional model that promotes health
Antonis Zampelas, director of EFET
Mediterranean diet role Vascular Surgery to reduce or prevent cardiovascular diseasesNicos Angelides
(in collaboration with Mediterranean League of Angiology and Vascular Surgery)
Different types of hyperlipedemia and most effective ways of treatmentPhivos Symeonides
(in collaboration with Cyprus Society of Atherosclerosis)

Chair : Eleni Andreou, Nikolas Ntaflos
CPE level: I CPE credit:1
10:00 –
Panel: Presentation by Companies and Book Presentations
Book Presentation by:
Dan Benardot, PhD, DHC, RD, LD, FACSM
Professor of Practice
Center for the study of human Health
Emory University, USA

Chairs: Dimitris Papamichael, Procopis Kallis
CPE level: I CPE credit: 1
10:30 – 11:00Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:00Panel: Autism and cognitive function
Autism- diagnosis and therapy
Machi Cleanthous
Nutritional Guidelines for Autism and it’s symptoms – Presentation of a real case study
Nicoletta Ntorzi
Dietary patterns to slow cognitive decline
Elena Philippou

Chair: Yiota Tsokkou, George Loukaides
CPE level: II CPE credit: 1
12:00 –
Closing Ceremony and Awards for the Best Rated Oral/Poster Presentation

Chairs: Eleni Andreou, Nicoletta Ntorzi
CPE level: I CPE credit: .1
12:30 – 16:30
Coffee Break
14:30 –
LLL- Topic 26 Nutritional Support in Cancer (concurrent with rest of conference )
Case studies:
Course Leder: Dimitrios Papandreou
Presenters: Stalo Kountouri, Giangos Lavranos, Dimitrios Papandreou, Edna Yamasaki Patrikiou

Chairs: Stalo Kountouri
With Cooperation of CySPEN
CPE level: III CPE credit: 4
14:30 -15:30OPEN for The Health Professionals and the PUBLIC (in Greek)
Μύθοι και Αλήθειες για την επιστήμη Διατροφής/Διαιτολογίας, Επιστήμη/Τεχνολογία Τροφίμων και Ψυχολογίας
Τοποθετήσεις: Γιώργος Λουκαΐδης, Αγγέλα Αγγελίδου, Δημήτρης Παπαμιχαήλ, Γιώτα Τσόκκου, Όλγα Ευθυμίου, Παναγιώτα Θεοφίλου, Πέρσα Κορφιάτη

Chairs: Ελένη Ανδρέου, Χριστιάνα Φιλίππου (LIVESTREAMING)
CPE level: I CPE credit: 1